Author: mac
Over the past few weeks, I have encountered the word coincidence a dozen times or more. And I realize that is no coincidence. From two women discussing a strange coincidence in front of me in a store line to several online posts talking about coincidence, the concept has been present in my immediate reality.
It prompted me to examine my soul’s journey, and I am reminded that every twist and turn of my path has been guided by the gentle hand of synchronicity. Like spiritual dominoes falling into place, each coincidence has served as a sacred invitation.
Encounters Which are Anything but Chance
Rumi’s words, “What you seek is seeking you,” resonate deeply within me. When what I am seeking and what is seeking me connect, there is a moment of magic and profound spiritual opportunity for growth. One such profound moment occurred for me during a journey to the Andes. Amidst the beauty and magic of these mountains, I had a conversation with one of my guides. We spoke about many spiritual topics, and he mentioned a friend who lived very close to my home. He suggested I connect with him, as we had many common interests. I followed his suggestion and met his friend. What followed was a string of spiritual dominoes that became the next twelve years of my spiritual journey. That conversation in South America was anything but random. My soul was seeking the next phase of its journey.
Joseph Campbell’s wisdom rings true in my soul: “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” With each seeming coincidence, doors swing open, revealing new possibilities and pathways to explore.
Action Required
Yet, I have come to understand that the journey of synchronicity is not a passive one. It requires some courage and a willingness to take inspired action in response to divine invitations. Whether I follow up on a conversation I had in the Andes or embark on another new adventure sparked by another encounter, I have a choice. Synchronicity is the gentle nudge from the universe urging me to pay attention to the subtle whispers of my soul. When I learn to recognize these nudges and whispers as sacred gifts, the decision feels less of a choice and more of a spiritual no-brainer.
Sacred Breadcrumbs
Reflecting back on coincidences, I have found them to be sacred breadcrumbs leading me home to myself. The more I learn to trust in the divine intelligence at work in the universe, the more I understand that every step of my journey is guided by a higher wisdom beyond my comprehension.
Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, delved deep into the mysteries of synchronicity, describing it as “meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by cause and effect.” Synchronicity operates beyond the confines of linear time and rational understanding, offering us glimpses into the interconnectedness of all things.
A Higher Form of Logic
The power of coincidence lies not in its ability to defy common logic but in its capacity to awaken us to Divine logic. It reminds me that I am not a separate being navigating the world alone but an integral part of a vast and interconnected whole.
Embracing synchronicity requires a shift in perception and acceptance of the invitations before us. It invites a willingness to surrender to the flow of life and trust in the inherent wisdom of the cosmos. It invites us to release the need for control and, instead, surrender to the divine orchestration of the universe. When I am able to do that, magic happens.