Rose Tobin, Ireland

Hello, and thanks for visiting!

Perhaps like many of you reading this, I have been practicing and exploring growth and spirituality for decades, since my teens.  

I am a Radical Forgiveness Master Coach and a mindfulness teacher.  And, in recent times, many people have turned to me for spiritual mentoring. 

It is my great privilege to work with people who wish to become free of what is no longer serving them.   Who aspire to living in greater spiritual integrity and maturity.

Early Life

I’ve learnt from everything, but in recent years I’ve come back to a place of valuing simplicity rather than complexity. 

I am now more focussed on an everyday grounded spirituality rather than the esoteric or other-worldly topics which so fascinated me before. 

I was born in Long Island, NY, to Irish parents and moved to Ireland at nine years old to live with my grandmother, whose house was on the West Coast of Ireland (the Wild West!).  Its beautiful setting and relative remoteness fostered in me a lifelong love of reading, spirituality and the inner life.

As with many spiritually minded people I have met, I faced the challenge of learning how to balance a rich inner world with the practicalities of ordinary life. 

“Spiritual” was other-worldly, esoteric, a way of retreating from the world and avoiding the messiness of everyday life.    I often wavered back and forth with this balance. Sometimes I got it right and other times I swung to either end of the pendulum.  

Over the last ten years in particular, life has shown me that the most important area for me to focus on was a more grounded spirituality. 

Getting back to the basics of love, integrity, forgiveness, taking responsibility, humility.  rather than spiritual specialness, integrity and forgiveness.

Personal Experiences

Each of the different “hats” I’ve worn and experiences I’ve had has given and taught me so much.

  • I’ve been married to my soulmate Noel for over 37 years and am the mother of two thirty-somethings.
  • I nursed my mother and grandmother through their final illnesses, a profound honor which I still treasure.
  • I was the caregiver of my mother-in-law for about a year.
  • I love friendship, reading, music, walks, nature, and travel.

Training and Work Experience

  • Secondary School: Ursuline Convent,  Thurles, Tipperary, Ireland
  • B.A. in English, Latin, and Music: University College Dublin
  • Higher Diploma in Education: University College Dublin
  • Secondary/High School Teacher for Several Years
  • Diploma in Counselling Skills, Maynooth University, Ireland
  • Graduate of CoachU’s Core Essentials Program
  • Former Associated Certified Coach: International Coaching Federation
  • Administrator of International Educational Mail Order Company for Ten Years
  • Lifelong Explorer and Teacher of several Spiritual and Human Growth Systems (Reiki, Color Therapy, and Meditation)
  • Radical Forgiveness Master Coach since 2014.  This is one of the most empowering and integrous systems I’ve encountered.
  • Graduate of Trans4Mind Personal Development Training

Radical Forgiveness

  • Radical Forgiveness Satori Game Master
  • Radical Forgiveness Energy Body and Chakra Clearing Practitioner