In Our Own Hand

April 21, 2024
In Our Own Hand
In Our Own Hand
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These days many of us accept that our universe is a holographic projection, a hologram. Metaphysically this implies that every part of the universe contains a record, imprint, or copy of everything else in the universe. Along with this goes the idea that we are co-creators of our holograms. A while back, I looked up the word “hologram” in a family dictionary that was published in the middle of the last century. It did not have an entry for “hologram.”  It did, however, have an entry for “holograph”, defining it as written entirely in our own handwriting i.e. in our own hand.  

What an empowering, albeit also challenging, way to look at our hologram.  It bears our signature. Not only that, but it is written in our own hand!  If it is indeed written in our own hand, then how can anyone else’s hand fix it or change it?   Our hand-writing, in this context, is, in itself, a manifest expression of our state of consciousness. Think of how a graphologist, someone trained in the art of interpreting handwriting, can derive a very accurate assessment of someone from their style of writing. Who can change our hand-writing but ourselves? 

An Outside Picture of an Inward Condition

Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world.” ACIM

Over the last while I have been attempting to get a clearer understanding of how manifestation works in my hologram. As ACIM and other teachings remind us, if we wish to become true masters of the manifestation process, a good place to start is to own ALL of our hologram.  

I have often noticed myself falling into the old habits of “I created this but didn’t create that.” This usually depends on whether I like what’s happening or not. It’s very tempting to prefer to admit to creating the good bits! At other times I beat myself up for creating the bad bits.  An a la carte approach to accountability! In the handwriting analogy, spiritual maturity involves acknowledging that the whole enchilada is no-one’s responsibility but my own.

Our Own Collective Hand

In any group or collective experience, the same principle applies. We are each writing our part in the drama in our own hand, contributing to the whole. It’s tempting to try to change other people’s handwriting, as it were, but honestly, when has that ever worked?

The main drawback of trying to change others is that not only is it a waste of time. It is also an abdication of responsibility. If I’m busy running around pointing out where others are blotting their copybooks, I’m neglecting my own piece of writing. And, like it or not, I’m affecting the whole one way or other. Why not do it in a self-responsible way and therefore have a more positive impact?

The only thoughts Jesus taught us to police were our own: our own negative thoughts, our own violent thoughts, our own hateful thoughts, not other people’s. Richard Rohr

Our Hologram comes THROUGH us, not AT us

Inner self is gently reminding me more and more that my hologram is not coming AT me, but THROUGH me. There is a world of difference here. 

Therefore, if I don’t like what pops up in my hologram, there is little point in rushing around trying to change it on an external level.  There are, of course, times when we need to address practical issues. It may be necessary to confront someone directly in a loving but empowered way.   If, however, for example, someone says something which upsets or disturbs me, or I observe behaviour which I am tempted to judge, or I get into power struggles on whatever level, at some point I will also need to do some inner reflection.

Symbol People

What Inner Self has been showing me more and more is the reality that we are all symbol people for each other.   When I look back in honesty at any of the people or situations who have pushed my buttons,  or conversely at those which inspire and uplift, Inner Self reminds me that I could not see anything that is not somewhere in my own psychological make-up.  

So, when someone or something mirrors back to me an aspect of my own “handwriting” which I don’t like, how can I react?   Often, if it a really close to the bone issue,  I still find my emotional body gets into a bit of a tizzy for a while. However, when I calm down and step back, I can always recognise something of myself in the behaviour that has offended me in some way.  Otherwise, why would it bother me?  Why would I even notice it?  And how can I ensure that I don’t have to keep encountering that particular pattern or energy?

Even if the energy appears to be coming AT me, at some stage it came THROUGH me.   Why shoot the messenger?   Blaming the hologram, or the person involved, ensures that I will keep meeting the same issues.

In Your Own Hand

All of this has been very clearly brought home to me over the last month, when we had a family bereavement. The person who passed away lived in another country and there has not been much direct contact for a long time. However, even a seemingly remote (in distance) death brings up family memories, issues and regrets. I found myself comparing my family of origin with other families I know, families who have so much more warm and ongoing interaction than mine ever had.

It was important to let myself feel that sadness, but yesterday my Inner Self reminded me: “This is all in your own handwriting” i.e. that it is my script. It is no accident or misadventure to have been born with such family dynamics. And it’s so easy, when grieving, to remember only the challenges and to forget the many positive aspects of my family experience, how much I’ve learnt and grown, how much I’ve treasured family members.

Our Own Script

To use another popular analogy, this script or drama is perfect in terms of my soul’s purpose. If I slip into feeling regret or self-pity, I remind myself ‘This is in your own hand.” Each time I say this, it strengthens my sense of there being a higher purpose in all my experiences, and that nothing is random.

At some level, everything we experience is indeed in our own handwriting. It bears our signature. And it is profoundly empowering to be able to see it in that context.

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