Many years ago, I was reading the book Celestine Prophecy. I had a very strange experience while reading it. I was startled to find there were several places in the book where sentences were almost identical to words I had used before. Some of the sentences I was reading were exactly the same as those from a course I had developed and taught a year before. I didn’t think for a minute that James Redfield had somehow gotten hold of the notes I had used. But it made me wonder why there was such a striking similarity in parts of our writings. Was there something stirring in the ethers we both latched on to?
The Pool of Unconscious Knowledge
During my readings throughout the years, I have come across instances of inventions that were produced at the same time by different people in different parts of the world. These inventions were independent of each other.
Calculus was developed independently by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the 17th century. Newton developed his version around 1666 but didn’t publish it until later. Leibniz developed his version of calculus in 1675 and published it in 1684.
Frank Whittle in the United Kingdom and Hans von Ohain in Germany independently developed the jet engine in the 1930s. Both inventors were unaware of each other’s work
Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla are both credited with the invention of the radio. Marconi was the first to demonstrate wireless communication in 1895 successfully and received the first patent. However, Tesla had been working on similar ideas and had received patents for radio technology in the United States in 1897.
Change Happens When We are Ready
When viewed from a spiritual perspective, these simultaneous inventions transcend the boundaries of individual minds. They suggest a more interconnected and holistic view of human consciousness and creativity. It points to a mystical aspect of human existence where ideas and insights are not merely personal but part of a larger, shared spiritual journey.
The theory of collective consciousness, as discussed by people like Carl Jung, suggests that humans share a universal, subconscious pool of knowledge and archetypal imagery. Simultaneous inventions, in this context, could be seen as surfacing from this collective pool. These spring forth when humanity as a whole is ready for a certain leap in understanding or capability.
Journeys of Spiritual Growth
What forces were at work when my mind picked words for my course? Was Mr. Redfield tuned into the same collective energies in the planet’s collective consciousness as I was? I tend to think so. Like the character in his book, I was later drawn to Peru five separate times. Each of these sojourns provided insights into my spiritual journey. On one of these journeys, I met some people who led me to a chapter in my life that lasted for over thirteen years. While some of these journeys were difficult and sometimes painful, they were necessary for my growth and understanding.
Growing Pains
I fervently believe that humanity and the planet are progressing toward a new spiritual awareness level. Our current wars, conflicts, and divisions are stumbling blocks and catalysts for spiritual growth. They eventually challenge individuals and societies to question, reflect, and seek deeper truths about their existence and interconnectivity. Beneath the level of global unrest, I feel an undeniable level of change stirring in the collective unconscious.
Evolution is up to Each of Us
The journey towards spiritual evolution starts at an individual level. Any forward step I take on the Highest Road contributes to my spiritual growth and that of the planet. Like my words and those of Mr. Redfield as well as inventions popping out of the collective unconscious, our next evolutionary step will come when we are ready. Each of us is responsible for contributing to that readiness if we so choose.
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