Decades ago, on a journey that now seems like lifetimes away, I found myself wandering into a New Age shop. The air was thick with incense, and the shelves held an array of books, crystals, gems and tarot cards. Everywhere I looked felt like a gateway to a deeper spiritual experience. I was new to all of this. My eyes sparkled like a kid in a candy store with curiosity and a hunger for the unknown.
Looking for Externals
Back then, I firmly believed that meditation was a key to unlocking a world of spiritual adventures. I heard people talk about past life recollections, vivid colors, psychic experiences and magical manifestations. Yet, these experiences eluded me. I had a sense of inadequacy, a nagging thought that I was somehow doing it all wrong. Driven by this notion, I began my search for the perfect crystal. I wanted one that could amplify my meditations and satisfy my craving for spiritual thrill-seeking.
My naivete was evident, like a neon flashing above my head. The lady at the store, a very serene soul, approached me. Sensing my confusion, she inquired if I needed help. I confided in her, explaining my quest for a crystal to enhance my meditations and kick-start my spiritual journey.
With a knowing smile, she guided me through the maze of crystals. Her hands delicately touching the stones as if communicating with them. Yet, it wasn’t just the crystals she introduced me to; she imparted the essence of meditation. She explained that the true journey wasn’t about chasing spiritual fireworks. It was about tuning into the still, small voice inside. In her words, I sensed the echo of the timeless truth that the kingdom and peace of God is within.
Words that Touched My Soul
The defining moment of this encounter is one that still resonates within the core of my being. It was her gentle touch on my arm and her profound words: “Never forget dear one, you are the crystal.” This simple statement, profound in its depth, sent tingles through my entire body. It was an epiphany! A realization that the quest for spiritual fulfillment was not an external pursuit but an inward journey. That moment started me on my journey, but it wasn’t a journey of physical distance.
At the heart of this journey lies the realization that the external world, with its distractions and illusions, often leads away from the true essence. Listening to that still small voice, I am reminded by the whispered wisdom of all great spiritual teachers. That true contentment and spiritual richness is not found in the accumulation of possessions or external achievements but in the depths of my own being.
The Kingdom of God within us is a metaphor for the boundless potential, peace, and enlightenment that resides in our innermost selves. It is the wellspring of love, compassion, and wisdom that flows freely when we align with our true nature. This inner kingdom is not a place. It is a state of being- a realization of our interconnectedness with the cosmos and the divine spark that animates all life.
This journey is the highest road. The road involves peeling away the layers of ego, fear, and conditioning that obscure our inner light. This sacred journey is a path of surrender, of letting go of the illusions that binds me to the transient. It embraces the eternal, unchanging essence of who I truly am.
Sharing the Wisdom
It has been many years since that moment in the New Age Shop. Since that time, I have been a student and a teacher of many spiritual modalities. I have done my best in my classes to share the wisdom I learned in that little shop. That in the stillness of our hearts, we encounter the divine whisper, a gentle yet profound reminder that we are more than our physical bodies, more than our thoughts and emotions. We are part of a vast, interconnected web of life, where each soul uniquely expresses the divine consciousness. As Eckart Tolle wrote, “you are not in the universe; you are the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself.”
Through the years, meditation has led me to many of the experiences I was seeking back in those early days of exploration. They occurred naturally and spontaneously, when I was ready. But after that day in the shop, I never directly sought them.
The realization that the Kingdom of God is within us empowers us to live with greater purpose, compassion, and harmony. It shifts our perspective from one of scarcity and separation to one of abundance and unity. We begin to see ourselves in others, and others in ourselves. Dissolving the illusions of division and embracing the truth of our shared humanity and divinity.
We are the Crystal
In this sacred inner stillness, I find the peace and joy that sometimes eludes me in the external world. It is a peace that transcends understanding, a joy that does not depend on external circumstances. It is the peace and joy of coming home to myself and recognizing my innate wholeness and completeness.
We are the crystal, the universe, the infinite – we need only to look within to discover the boundless wonders of our being.
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Jay Grant
This is a great reminded for many. I remember when I stop carrying cystals in a small pouch in my pocket. I was so attached to them. I had come to the conclusion that I WAS THE CRYSTAL. I was at that point that LIFE became a mediation. Every breath, every step, every encounter, all of it became so sacred. Every second was worthy of my full devine attention. Mediation was no longer a time set aside. The quick space was always there within me. That fact became a constant reminder. I wish that kind of enlightenment and peace for everyone.