A Bottle of Water and a Blueberry Muffin

December 13, 2023
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A bus trip with some unexpected occurrences

Several years ago, I was getting ready to travel to Greece.   Getting to the airport entailed a 2.5 hour bus ride from my home in Pennsylvania to Kennedy Airport in New York.   I had planned out plenty of time to get to the bus station and for a stop at convenience store for a bottle of water and a muffin for the long ride.

About half an hour before I was going to leave, I noticed there was a leak in an outside pipe at the side of the house.  A wave of anxiety came over me and a million thoughts came into my head all at once.   How am I going to get to the airport if I miss my bus?   I had not planned on driving myself, as NY traffic is way beyond my driving skills. At this moment, my basic trust in the universe took a back seat to worry and anxiety.

Almost Didn’t Make it!

After a frantic call to a plumber and a discussion with my neighbor who was happy to assist with the problem, I was ready to jump in the car and head to the bus station praying all the way I get there in time.

The bus was just closing its doors when I pulled into the parking lot honking and waiving at the bus driver.   He must have noticed the look of desperation on my face as he opened the doors and waited a minute or two while I parked the car.    He got out of the bus, loaded my luggage and accepted the tip I gratefully offered.   Finally, on my way.

The Universe Provides

By the time I fund a seat, I was stressed and more than a bit haggard looking. The man across the aisle from me handed me a bottle of water, telling me that I looked like I could use it.    At the same time, the woman sitting next to me asked if I would like a muffin as she had a bag of them.   I responded with a very grateful “yes, please”!

I looked down at the muffin she gave me and it was blueberry, the same kind I was going to purchase.   Gratitude flowed to my fellow travelers and the universe. I got my water and my muffin, but certainly not the way I expected it to happen.

And the Moral of the Story….

There is a moral to this story.  While the muffin that I would have gotten if I had gone to the store would have been sugar laden and high caloric, the blueberry muffin my new friend gave me was labeled a low-fat muffin.    Which just shows the Rolling Stones were right- while we can’t always get what we want, we get what we need.  Another reminder to myself that I am always connected to the abundance in the universe and the universe provides. I marveled at the intricacies of how all the various energies had to come together for me to get my muffin and my water. I smiled all the way to NY marveling at the magic of it all.


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  • Mhyrrr

    I love this sharing. I have experience this loving presence of the universe throughout my life and I know it is 100% authentic in every way. Thank you for sharing this ♥️ For inspiring and reminding us all of the love and connection we have to the universe in all moments. 😌

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