This is a recount of an extraordinary journey- a journey that expresses the essence of co-creating with the universe. Through this experience and others, I began to understand that there is a threefold path of manifestation in my life: Holding the Vision, Trusting the Process, and Choosing to Engage. While unique in its unfolding, this story shares not just my journey but universal truths of manifestation.
A Vision in Meditation
Several decades have passed since I was in mediation and received a clear image of a group of people in the king’s chamber of the Great Pyramid. It was a spiritual conference and I had organized it. I did not know the teacher; I did not know how it was going to happen. All I knew the image was clear, and the fact that it was going to happen was imprinted on my soul.
I held that image in my mind for over a year and a half, focusing on it regularly, letting the universe know I was ready, willing, and able. Through a series of synchronistic events that included a trip to South America, I met the teacher who was to do the conference. I knew without a doubt it was her. On a telephone call to her, I simply said, “I need to take you to Egypt. She simply said, “ok.” I did not know at the time, but a few years before, she had written in her book that someone was going to come forth to take her to Egypt. I had not read the book she authored- but she, too, had the same vision. Within a year, we stood inside the Great Pyramid, and a new chapter of my life had begun.
The Process of Manifesting
For a few years now, I have seen the term “Hold the Vision, Trust the Process”. I know a sports team coined the phrase “Trust the Process” . I am not sure who added the “Hold the Vision” part to the phrase, but whoever did it was divinely inspired. This adage is now often quoted in spiritual circles and is more than a mere mantra. It is a step in co-creation. It emphasizes two parts of the process of manifestation -the vision and the process.
Reflecting on my Egyptian journey and other experiences since then, I understand and resonate deeply with the phrase, “Hold the Vision, Trust the Process.” It’s part of what I did to manifest my vision. But I’ve come to realize there’s a third, equally crucial part to this mystical formula – the choice to engage with the universe’s offerings. When I reflect back, I can clearly see the manifestation of my vision held these three components.
Holding the Vision
At the heart of manifestation lies the ability to see the outcome clearly. While my outcome for Egypt was seen in meditation, I have experienced similar, more everyday visions several times in my life. I have come to learn that making these outcomes happen begins with an active, focused construction of the reality I want to see create. Holding the vision is a spiritual blueprint.
Trust the Process
As crucial as it is to have the clear vision, it’s equally important to trust the journey. The universe operates on its own divine timeline, with intricate patterns and synchronicities occurring that my mere mortal mind will never comprehend. Trusting the process means understanding that there are forces at work beyond my immediate perception and that the universe is moving in my favor even when the path is unknown. It is understanding that each event, no matter how insignificant it might seem, is a step closer to the realization of the vision.
Choose to Engage
While the cosmos plays its part, I need to as well. Engaging in the context of manifestation is about aligning my actions with my intentions. It’s engaging in a dance of co-creation with the universe. This involves taking inspired action, staying committed to my goals, and being open to guidance in its various forms. It’s about doing inner and outer work and listening to the guidance of my Higher Self. It is choosing every day to stay committed. In my Egypt journey, various opportunities occurred where I had to step outside my comfort zone. My vision would not have manifested if I had not made those choices.
I do not believe the universe responds to laziness. If my vision is a spiritual one, I will need to maintain a healthy spiritual hygiene, reinforcing my connection with Source. If my vision is more of a mundane one, then I will need to take actions toward that direction. It always involves a choice on my part.
Embracing Patience and Perseverance
Manifestation is not an instant magic trick. It requires patience and perseverance. There were times when I doubted my Egypt vision was not going to happen, but these moments I quickly replaced with a faith in the vision and the process.
Co-Creation and Transformation
“Hold the Vision, Trust the Process” and “Choose to Engage” became more than a formula of co-creation. For me, it became a journey of transformation. Those words are a process where I align with my Higher Self, listen to the whispers of the universe, and to act with purpose and passion. By embracing this philosophy, I have become a more active co-creator with the universe. Hold the Vision, Trust the Process, Choose to Engage is a phrase that is now pinned boldly in the middle of my vision board.
Other stories to explore:
- Love
- Podcast
- Service
- Source/God
- Spiritual Growing Pains
- Spiritual Integration
- Spiritual Intelligence
- Uncategorized