Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
There is a fundamental principle we at The Highest Road hold sacred. That is, each of us has an eternal connection to God Source. We are Sparks of the energy of Source, that Spark lies within us, each with our own individual identity. That connection is eternal. We cannot break that connection; we can only look away from it by choice
We will not attempt to define Source. The concept of God has been a subject of great debate and discussion throughout human history. Despite numerous attempts by philosophers, theologians, and scientists to define or describe God, it remains an elusive concept that defies any concrete definition. As Lao Tzu once said: “The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.”
What we will focus on is our relationship with Source. Source is a living, direct presence in our lives. We come from Source, Source is in us, and we return to Source. Simply put, we are Source. So, the question that immediately comes to mind is if we are all Source, why do we see so many non-Source-like manifestations in ourselves and the world? Why are there crimes, wars, and human rights violations?
Pitfalls in Our Remembrance
There are many reasons why we see distortions in ourselves and the world. By distortions, we mean any act that does not reflect the unconditional love of Source. The very first book of the Bible in Judeo-Christian tradition is Genesis, where Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden and considered to be fallen from God. The Garden of Eden represents a state of pure consciousness and divine connection that exists within all humans. Adam and Eve symbolize humanity’s state of innocence and perfection.
As Sparks of God Source, we have freedom and the ability to make choices. We all have the free will to make choices that do not reflect unconditional love. Since the Garden, man has made choices that have moved our focus from our Divine Heritage and onto the material world, and the out-picturing we are seeing because of these choices is sometimes the opposite of what is Source-Like.
We at the Highest Road believe we are not flawed, fallen beings. Those who act in ways that are contrary to unconditional love are individuals who have forgotten their true identity. Our Spark of Source is never extinguished or diminished. It burns brightly. Our unawareness of it is a choice, and most importantly, refocusing our awareness toward it is also a choice.
My Relationship with Source Comes First
A decade or so ago, I coined the acronym MRWSCF to remind myself where to place my attention and energy. The acronym stands for My Relationship with Source Comes First. I placed it in several places in my home to remind me to stop, take a sacred moment, and focus on my true nature.
The Divine in us can often be pushed to the side of our awareness by the hectic nature of our external reality. Maintaining a sense of balance between the two worlds and bringing them into harmony is important but also a challenge. Even a few minutes of quiet reflection can keep the awareness of our Divinity strong within us. Keeping that awareness alive gives our external world meaning, purpose, and peace.
Intermediaries are not Needed
Many religious traditions have a clear hierarchy between God and man. This is often seen as a necessary intermediary role for priests, rabbis, and other religious clergy to fulfill. These individuals are seen as the link between the divine and human, acting as guides, teachers, and spiritual leaders.
However, the idea of a mediator between God and man is not a universal concept. In fact, many religions and belief systems do not require or even condone the use of priests or other clergy as an intermediary for connecting with the Divine within
The role of religious clergy can create a separation between individuals and their own spirituality. By relying on someone else to interpret and communicate with God, there is a danger of losing one’s personal connection and understanding of one’s faith.
While clergy have their role in ritual and ceremony, it is important never to forget that Source lives inside of us and is us, and there is no need for any go-between in that connection. A Franciscan priest, Richard Rohr wrote, “Religion is one of the safest places to hide from God.”
The Law of One
Since Source resides in each of us as well as all things, it stands to reason that there is an interconnectedness with each other. Source is our common denominator. The Law of One is the realization of the interconnectedness of all things. It acknowledges that everything in the Cosmos has value, as all things are a part of Source. The Law of One is the foundation for every other spiritual law in the universe. It is an all-encompassing belief, that celebrates unity while honoring diversity. The Law of One is also referred to as Unity Consciousness, and in some teachings, the term Cosmic Consciousness is used.
Embracing the Law of One does not entail following a specific doctrine, philosophy, or theology. By its very definition, all philosophies and religions are contained within the Law of One. Focusing on the Law of One gives us a quantum leap of consciousness into a higher state of awareness. We move from a polarized and duality-based way of thinking to an expansive open cosmos. In this open cosmos love, abundance, wholeness, and allowance are core principles.
There is an immense healing and liberating freedom to practice this expansive thinking. When we are in Unity Consciousness and in that expansive view of ourselves and the universe, we rise above the stress and problems in our lives. Moving beyond our limited and polarized thinking, we often open ourselves to new perspectives and answers that we may not have seen before. When in Unity Consciousness, we are aware that the spark of God Source in us shines brightly, and we can co-create solutions with Source, leading to win-win outcomes for the situations in our lives.

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LOVE reading your blog Rose. This ONE is Krystal Clear. Beautiful. Thank you.